Every now and then, the boys get obsessed with something. Oh, they still love their usual obsessions: Legos, books, big trucks; but on occasion, something interesting comes along and for a few weeks, it's all they talk about.

Cue Argentina Week. 

I posted a request on Facebook, asking friends who have been there to share their Argentinian experiences so that we could pass them along to the boys. One of my Facebook friends posted a picture of a penguin and a picture of some sea lions. She thought the boys would be much more interested in those animals than anything else she saw.

Were they ever!

What began as a slight curiousity grew when Robinson found some YouTube movies about penguins and sea lions. Most of the questions they wanted to ask Oldpa (who went to Argentina for his mission) and Hugo (who is from Argentina orignally) were about penguins and sea lions. Only when Balin checked out the book Astro the Steller Sea Lion did I finally know that the obsession had taken hold. The boys have learned that Astro lives in Conneticuit and want to pay him a visit someday. 

The obsession has even evolved into a tag game (penguin gets chased by sea lion). 

We were going to go to Peoria to visit the Caterpillar (as in big trucks, not bugs) museum, but maybe we'll go see Astro instead.

Blessed be.