We recently bought an ice cream maker. It was my first time making ice cream, which seems odd because who hasn't made coffee can ice cream as a kid? We chose an old fashioned vanilla recipe for the base and added peanut butter and chopped peanut butter cups before putting it into the ice cream maker.

The final product? Delicious!

Since I'm on a 30-day sugar fast, owning an ice cream maker is the equivalent of doomsday. So far I've only had two small servings, but I strongly felt the effects of the sugar. Normally, I'm in a constant struggle with my sugar cravings, especially when I eat too much of it. Once I eat that first piece, it's all downhill from there. Candy must be hidden in nondescript paper bags or restricted to a top shelf in a kitchen cabinet where I can't reach it without a chair.

As a Wiccan, I should be taking better care of myself. While I don't necessarily believe that my body is a temple, it is mine and I should be doing what I can to take care of it. I should meditate, I should continue to learn, I should fill my body with good foods, I should exercise, I should get enough sleep, and I should volunteer.

Additionally, my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs should be met, but it's so difficult with two young kids. Their needs will always overshadow my own; at least until they are on their own. Is it a sin to want to take care of myself? Sometimes I feel that it is. I feel guilty when I nap with Balin and leave Arthur to play by himself. I know it won't last forever and that someday I will have more alone time than I can handle.

Until then, I suppose I'll always have the ice cream maker.

Blessed be.

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