When family members visit, I can expect certain things. When my mom comes to visit, she wants to visit the Santa Clause House and go shopping. When my sister Blythe comes to visit, she wants to go biking. When Becky comes to visit, she wants to go to Once Upon a Child.

I can now anticipate with some certainty that any future visits from my father and nephew Josh will be accompanied by toilet issues.

To be fair, Arthur played a role in this, too. He acted as instigator, administrator, and supreme deviant, so I'll have to be on guard in the future.

To sum it up, Josh had run out of toilet paper in the bathroom. I told Arthur to take some upstairs for him and heard hysterical laughing a few moments later. Arthur finally came downstairs, still laughing, and when I asked him what happened, he told me he had unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet. When I tried to explain how unfunny his actions were and demanded that he remove all of the excess paper from the toilet, he flushed it.

Needless to say, we were out of a toilet for several hours. On the bright side, it was fixed without the aid of a plumber.

I'm always looking for fun, easy games that I think Josh would like so that we can play them when he comes to visit. He doesn't really have the attention span for long, complex games and some of our games can take an hour to finish playing. At one of my frequent trips to Once Upon a Child, I found a copy of the game Loot and bought it. I had done some research on this particular game a while back and was curious about it, but didn't want to pay for the game in addition to shipping and handling in case we didn't like it.

I shouldn't have worried because Josh (and my dad) loved the game. In fact, they quickly became obsessed. For two nights in a row, they played well into the night. It seems Doodle Dice has met its match.

Overall, it was a good trip. It's always fun to have my dad and Josh come to visit.

Blessed be.

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