The Universe has decreed that we needed two cars. Granted, one of those cars is broken and probably won't be fixed anytime soon, but we are technically a two car family now. Once we get our gray Matrix fixed, it will be rather nice.

Unfortunately for us, we are not a two-income family. It's going to be a challenge to pay for our new red car.

We're back to our college days of saving all of our precious pennies by having a strict weekly food budget. Robinson's even stopped coming home for lunch to save on gas. Christmas will be very simple this year, which is quite a coincidence because I was planning on a pretty frugal holiday season anyway. The kids are too young to know, so I don't feel bad or guilty in the least.

It's a good thing Christmas is around the corner. My sisters and my mom are always very generous when it comes to getting the kids clothes, so they should be set for the next year. Since I saved all of Arthur's old clothes for Balin, we won't have to get him anything. Plus, it's nice to have a network of other moms who give us their kids' old clothing.

I'm confident we'll make it all work. Somehow it always comes out in the wash. I've offered to get a part-time weekend job to help cover expenses, but Robinson said we don't need to worry about it yet.


Now that's a scary word.

Blessed be.

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