Dear Balin,

Someday you will be as old as your brother; an intelligent, no-nonsense, mature child of six going on seven. By then, you may have grown out of dressing up. You'll no longer be a kitty, a bunny, Sulu, Daisy, or even Max in his wolf suit. Whenever I suggest you put on a mask or a hat or even a full-blown costume, you'll say, "No. I don't want to. I'm not a (insert character here). I'm just Balin."

You'll just be Balin.

There's nothing wrong with being who you are. Because I love who you are. I love that you have an imagination like mine; that you love pretending to be characters you find so fascinating; that you have no qualms about dressing up in something that less enlightened people would consider "girly."

But, Balin, if by the off chance you still find some joy in dressing up when you are six or seven, then do so. I will happily dress up with you - because there's nothing wrong with letting your imagination run wild.

Blessed be.

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