Balin is quite fond of dressing up.

I've made him an Elsa dress with a turquoise second-hand skirt and shirt. I've made him soda-bottle jet packs out of two 2-liter bottles. I've made him Jedi robes and bought butterfly wings. He regularly wears one (or more!) of these things around the house, pretending he's a character from Skyrim or Elsa or even Evil Cinderella.

Though he loves sea lions, he is also quite fond of raccoons, which we have nicknamed "rascals" because of an orange and white t-shirt. There's a picture of a raccoon on the front with the word banded across the face. I'm not quite sure what the appeal is. Is it the mask? The perky snout? The black hands and feet? The ring tail?

Whatever it is, Balin is obsessed with them.

While out shopping with some friends, I found a raccoon costume pattern that I had to purchase. Normally I feel as though I don't have to buy anything, but this was an exception. Balin would have a raccoon costume. He simply must.

He even got to pick out the fabrics: sparkly pink for the body, white for the tummy, and dark grey for the mask and tail. I finished it in a day.

When it was finished, I handed it to him, telling him he could take it to his dress-up box. He began to cry.  

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"I don't want it to get ruined!" he sobbed.

It looked as though I did my job a little too well...

Blessed be.

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