The best gift we ever bought Arthur is his little red shovel. I think he would sleep with it if he could. Every time it snows, he begs to go outside to use it.

By Monday night, we got a good 18 inches of snow, which is very unusual for this time of year. Most of our snowfall occurs in the early winter, not February. For almost two days straight we had blizzard conditions and when it was all over, everything was white (including the roof of the house, which Robinson had shoveled not two days before). The driveway was a mess Monday morning and Robinson had to do some quick shoveling to pull out without getting stuck.

Arthur and I shoveled most of the remaining snow before Robinson came home that night - no easy task. The snow was dense and the wind was ruthless. I had to pull on my parka hood, something I don't usually do even in -40 degree weather. With toddler help, I managed to get a good half of the driveway finished that afternoon.

The winds smoothed out the yard like a polished stone. No footprints or tracks remain. Now I wonder what kinds of "treasures" await us when the snow starts melting in April. Doubtless there will be tools and toys...but what else might we have forgotten under the snow?

Break up will probably be pretty miserable this year.

I'm trying not to think about it...

Blessed be.

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