I was catching up with my sister Blythe when Arthur came running up to me, all excited about something. I thought he was going to tell me about how his backhoe had picked up some stones or shells and had put them in his dump truck or that is tanker truck had delivered juice to the thirsty children. Instead, he said:

"Mommy! There are moose outside!"

He was right: two giant moose were eating some of our spindly backyard alder. They wandered around without any real intention of doing anything (besides eating) or going anywhere (except foraging). They got pretty close to the house and then traveled on to the road where they were met by a couple in a Toyota who had pulled into our driveway to snap a picture or two.

The way they trudged through the snow was impressive. All 25 inches we received meant nothing to them. In fact, they are the first creatures to make any sort of mark in our yard since we got all this snow.

Blessed be.

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