**Warning: this blog entry contains high levels of nerdiness. If you aren't a gamer, you probably won't understand some of it or even care. All I can say is it's a good thing I'm a female gamer because geeky is the new sexy. Long live Felicia Day!**

For Christmas, my sister Blythe got us the game Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), a MMORPG put out by BioWare, as well as a subscription for several months. We didn't start playing right away because we had company for a whole month very soon after Christmas and didn't want to waste our subscription. Unfortunately for Blythe, she had to hear, "When are Bobbi and Robinson going to play?" from Dustun, her boyfriend, continuously. She's probably still hearing it because our character on his server is no where near the level that Dustun's character is probably at. Which just means we'll have to play a lot to catch up. A lot.

My character is a plucky young Twi'lek smuggler named Tuki. She, kind of like the iconic Han Solo, is a scoundrel with a heart of gold. Except that she's not just into the credits. For most missions, she could care less about the money. She'll help people - especially the underdog - because it's the right thing to do.

Here's what I have for her backstory so far: Tuki was born and raised on Ryloth to merchant parents. She has an older sister and a younger brother. She started working with her parents when she was very young and loved interacting with all of the pilots and traders. They told her stories of their adventures and she dreamed of one day flying her own ship. When she was a teenager, she had a very brief affair with a fast-talking smuggler who broke her heart and because of that she loathes slimy playboys. She is grateful to have met that louse because he was the one who taught her how to shoot a blaster. She respects good fighters and people who stand up for their convictions, even if they don't always meld with hers. She has a quick wit and will not back down once she's sworn to do something.

Last night, thanks to Mark, one of Robinson's co-workers who also happens to be a SWTOR player, Robinson and I were able to play together on his work laptop on Mark's account. The Esseles mission was super tough (we died about five times trying to knock off one of the baddies), but fun. It was great being able to do heroic missions with someone I knew. I'm hoping that some of our other friends will be able to play soon or that we'll be able to meet up with Dustun and do a few quests with him. Playing with some of the other people on our server isn't that bad, but it's way more fun if you know someone.

Okay, I think I'm geeked out for now. I'm having a lot of fun with the game, even if it makes my nerd meter go up significantly.

Blessed be.

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