Dear Arthur,

Today you turn four. I don't know if you'll remember this day as you get older, but two weeks earlier we had a swim party for you and your friends at Mary Siah. You chose to have lemon curd with lemon-lavender cupcakes (again) and I also made chocolate zucchini cupcakes. While the cupcakes were delicious, the lemon curd was a bit runny. Next time I promise I'll cook it longer.

You received some lovely gifts from your friends which included a movie ticket, a picture frame, a pottery set, clay and an appliqued shirt, and some water guns. You took the water guns into the pool and your friend Cedar liked them so much that you got him a few for his birthday a few days later.

It was a fun party.

We also had a family birthday party for you on your actual birthday. You loved ripping open your presents and getting to play with them for a bit before moving on to the next one. You even shared some of your gifts with Balin.

You asked for grilled pineapple and hot dogs for dinner and Mi-lemon-ian Falcon ice cream sandwiches for dessert. Uncle Paul came over to eat and watch you open your presents.

If I had one wish for you this next year it is to enjoy your curiosity. I realize I don't always appreciate that you are still young and still learning about the world, but I am working to become more patient. I am also planning on just enjoying you for the rest of the spring and summer because this fall you will be going to preschool.

Love, Mommy

Blessed be. 

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