It's about time to set up the greenhouses, get some seedlings, and watch everything grow, grow, grow!

We planted some seeds well before our trip to Anchorage. Even though we haven't done well with tomatoes or hot peppers in the past, we're going to try again. We also started a pumpkin and zucchini plant...which, come to think of it, we also haven't had much success with but - what the heck - we gave it another go!

When we got home, Arthur pointed at the pumpkin plant in the window and shouted, "MOMMY! Look at that pumpkin plant!"

It was HUGE! It was about a foot tall and already had some buds on it. Arthur has been taking very good care of it. He waters it every few days and examines the leaves and stalk. He counts the buds and watches for changes that take place. He's not very interested in any of the other plants, but he certainly loves that pumpkin plant.

I love that he's so interested in botany. Sometimes he reminds me of the days we need to water the plants.

Blessed be.

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