Yesterday there was a partial solar eclipse. Robinson sent me a link about it Friday and I was so excited about it that Arthur and I made a pinpoint camera that very afternoon. I never had the delight of making one before because I lived so far north and I was a little worried about messing up. Thankfully, it was an incredibly simple (and painless) process that I needn't have worried! For the next two days, Arthur was wondering when he was going to get to use it.

On Sunday we started raking up the leaves and dead grass and getting the greenhouses set up. We paused work to grab the pinpoint camera and view the beginning of the eclipse. Although Arthur is only 4 and doesn't always understand things as fully as an older child, he seems to grasp scientific concepts about the natural world fairly easily. For instance, he's explained to us in detail why it rains and how his pumpkin plant germinated. It's awesome.

Anyway, we continued our work but took breaks every 20 minutes or so in order to check up on how much of the sun the moon had "eaten." The moon had almost devoured half of the sun before some dark clouds rolled in and covered everything up. After the clouds hid our view, we went inside and had some watermelon and made some dinner.

I'm not sure if Arthur will remember these little family activities but I certainly hope so. Maybe someday he'll be able to do things like this with his own children (provided he decides to have them).

Blessed be.

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