It's the last three months of the year. My tongue says, "Into my mouth, sweets!" but my waistline says, "No, no, NO!!!"

Even when given an opportunity to throw away those tempting sugary sweets I won't do it. Example: I made too much frosting for Arthur's Halloween party. He begged and begged to squeeze out the rest of the frosting...but I hate to let good frosting go to waste, so I promised to make cookies over the weekend. Sugar cookies. The frostable kind. (You can find the recipe here. Make them with the brandy instead of milk. You will not regret it.)

We decorated the cookies while Balin napped. Arthur loved squeezing the frosting onto the cookies and trying to make designs (even though most of his efforts created little frosting worms instead of actual shapes or designs).

I frosted a pumpkin. Arthur liked it so much he ate it. I find that he has a knack for choosing the "best-looking" thing and wanting it, even if he didn't make it. The boy's got good taste; someday he and I will have to go antiquing and redecorate the house together.

I think Arthur's going to have a blast this year when we create another entry for Fairbanks' annual gingerbread house competition. Not only will he be able to put candy on the house, but he'll be able to use the cake decorating tips to distribute the frosting as well. Balin will have fun decorating (and eating the candy), but Arthur will enjoy making the gingerbread house on so many other levels.

Blessed be.

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