My dad came to visit this weekend for a couple of days. He loves going on fun outings so he took us to Lake Geneva which is about 40 miles away. The boys weren't too excited about the drive over, but they were thrilled to be at such a large body of water. They watched boats, splashed in the water, and played some instruments.

The lighting was perfect (I even saw a couple getting their engagement pictures taken!) and I managed to get some lovely photographs of the boys. They must have been in a cooperative mood because they sat down when I asked them to and even posed when necessary. (The promise of ice cream must have been quite a lure. It was awesome ice cream, so well worth it!) 

They spotted fireflies in the fields we drove past on the way home. Arthur discovered that some of the lights looked yellow and some looked white. Balin repeated, "Butts light up!" all the way back.

We are all looking forward to checking out some of the other places around Wisconsin and Illinois. Any place that has water or a beach should be a hit with the boys.

Blessed be.

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