Dear Arthur,

This week you turned six. I can't believe how much you have grown. I can't believe that six years ago this month I held you in my arms - my first perfect little bundle - and wondered what kind of a person you'd someday be.

How sweet you've become.
How curious and inquisitive.
How bright and intelligent.
How thoughtful of others.

Most of your birthday was spent with your classmates. You helped me frost the eggless cupcakes we made so that your friend Cameron (who is allergic to eggs and peanut butter) could have one. "Cameron always gets another treat," you said, "because he can't eat store-bought cupcakes." The icing was a delicious chocolate buttercream and the tiny bits of strawberry we put on top were the perfect compliment.

You got off the bus that Wednesday wearing your birthday crown and a big smile, telling me that everyone sang "Happy Birthday" and that you had given all the extra cupcakes to some of the other kindergarten teachers.

Balin had picked out a special birthday present for you; unfortunately, it was not much of a surprise. He wanted you to open it so badly because he knew you'd like it so much that he kept telling you what it was. You, like your father, do not like spoilers.

Your birthday party was a little rough, I know, because not all of your friends could make it. My heart ached for you because it's so much fun to celebrate happy occasions with people you care about. But everyone who was able to come had a wonderful time. The marshmallow shooters were everybody's favorite.

I am surprised by your accomplishments everyday and I cannot wait to see how much more you grow this next year.

Love, Mommy

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