Dear Arthur,

You are now in first grade.

The summer was fun, at times stressful, exciting, and exhausting. I think we both look forward to the routine tedium that school has to offer.

The night before school, you sat in bed, pensive and anxious. You said that you were a bit afraid. I reassured you that many of your kindergarten classmates were in your class. You had a class pet. You had two nice teachers who were excited to begin the school year.

As I watched you get on the bus the next morning, I felt a strange mixture of joy, pride, and more than a hint of sadness. It was the sadness that surprised me most, leading me to believe that I wasn't quite ready to let you go as quickly as I thought.

Dear boy, I don't know what this year will bring, but of one thing I am certain: you love school. You love learning. You love questing for knowledge. I do not know if this quality we share is inherent in you or if I taught it to you, but of all of your wonderful qualities, I relate to this one the most. It is a most precious gift, to be able to question and search for meaning. I hope that you keep it the whole of your life.

Love, Mommy

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