I really should start planning to never leave the house from Black Friday to New Year's Day.

It's as though I suddenly have so many things to get done, so many obligations, and so many extra chores that I can't breathe. Packages arrive and I nearly hypervenhilate imagining all the new crap my kids are going to get from our overly generous families. I can't think of something fabulous to get my husband because he has everything he could ever want (including a new-to-him-Kindle, which would have been a great gift). This year there was an added grant submission and a couple of quilts to finish. There was also a photo album of the boys for their elderly great-grandmother. I've stopped sending holiday cards years ago because I just can't add one more thing to my already packed schedule.

When does it stop? Am I always going to feel this pressure at the end of the year? Is it about poor time management? Or is it about feeling obligated? Or is it something else entirely? How can I structure my activities so that I don't feel so much pressure? Is it a matter of delegating? 

At this point, who knows? I'm already knee-deep in December activities that it doesn't matter anymore. But maybe it should. Maybe I should be starting the mad end-of-the-year-rush in October. Why not? I see Santas and tinsle and wrapping paper well before Christmas. Maybe it's time for me to start some new traditions. Holiday cards at Halloween, anyone?

Blessed be.

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