I am one of the most organized people in the world.

I have labeled tubs in my refrigerator to hold snacks and dairy. My fabric is neatly folded and placed in drawers by color. My scraps are cut into specific sizes and put into plastic tubs. All of my office supplies fit into a tiny suede box next to my desk.

This does not mean I am capable of time management.

When it comes to finding ways to avoid actually doing something, I will do it. I stare at Facebook for at least a half hour waiting (and hoping) that someone writes to me so that I can write back at them. I scroll through pages of Internet searches looking at fashion and quilt blocks. I wander about aimlessly eating cookies and stressing about everything I have to do (without actually doing it).

My plate has been to the buffet so many times, my life is looking a little bloated: Pilates two times a week, teaching an ESL class two evenings every week, quilting club, connecting with donors for Imagination Library, quilting, blogging, writing, and creating - not to mention all of the boys' activities: assist in the taking care of gerbils, Arthur's music lessons, homework, Balin's classes at the Y...  

It was time for a change.

So, here we are. It's the middle of January and I've tried really hard to get myself in gear. I've decided to forgo lists - lists are something organized people create to make them feel more efficient - and just remind myself that if I get a big, important project done now...well, I won't have to do it tomorrow, will I?

If I have a free moment, I spend it doing a little something. Maybe sending off that email I've been meaning to or working on another basket. I've been trying to plan my days better so that I can get my errands done faster without back-tracking.

It's been working - more or less - but I wonder if I can keep up this hectic schedule. (Although I did spend the better part of today quilting and playing Skyrim with Robinson...time worth it? Absolutely!)

Tomorrow I will be spending most of my day running from staff meeting, to a Frozen party, to teaching. But I won't feel so overwhelmed because I have already made the broth for the Pho. I have Monday's lesson planned and the worksheets finished. I will make the Vietnamese rolls tomorrow morning. And I will hopefully start a new quilt: a little red-and-white one that I will submit to the Red and White Display at the quilt store by the end of the month.

Because suddenly, I have lots of time. So much time, I hardly know what to do with it.

Blessed be.

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