I have never been stung by a bee or wasp before. Ever. I'm 30 and I didn't even know whether or not I was allergic to bee stings.

Until today.

I was dumping some water out and leaned against the side of the porch when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I thought it was a big splinter until I looked down and saw a hornet in the exact spot that I had leaned against. It flew away, leaving me to ponder whether or not I should call 911.

Now, no one else in my family (that I know of) is allergic, so I had a reasonable assumption that I would be okay. About 10 minutes after being stung, my heart started racing. Then I got a little worried...should my heart be beating so fast?

About 45 minutes later, my heart was fine, I was fine, everything was fine. No harm done.

It's pretty amazing to think that animals and humans have defensive systems, ways to protect themselves when they feel threatened. I guess if someone were pressing me up against a wall, I'd try to find a way to get off, too.

Blessed be.

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