Nana visited us this weekend. We had a lot of fun with her, especially Arthur. He loved having someone completely devoted to him and I think Nana was happy to oblige. They played trains and danced and had a blast.

We also told Nana that Arthur was going to be a big brother in March. I think the way that we had done it was pretty creative (I'm all about telling people big news in unusual ways). We were on our way to a friend's house and I asked Nana to read "Digger Man" to Arthur on the way. The book is about an older brother who wants to teach his younger brother about diggers. On the very last page, the older brother and the younger brother are sitting in bed together and reading a book about diggers, so I put two stickie notes on the page, one above the older brother that read, "Arthur" and the other above the younger brother that said, "Arthur's younger sibling, due Mar 2011." It took Nana a moment to figure it out, but she got really excited.

Arthur was pretty sad to see Nana go, especially when he's stuck with Mommy and Daddy who don't always get on his level and just play, play, play with him. Nana said that she'd probably come back around Christmas. Arthur will be thrilled.

Blessed be.

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