Ah, Christmas.

As I've gotten older, I've found less of a need for all the holiday fuss. This year, I didn't even send out holiday cards, mostly because I just didn't care. I didn't really want to spend the time writing cards and stuffing envelopes and then standing in line for a half hour at the post office waiting for stamps. It's not that I don't feel the need to be generous during the holidays. I love making things for people and I love finding things I think people will enjoy.

But, like most people, I have too much stuff and I spend too much time getting rid of it. I'd much rather get something I could use or need than get something I couldn't (or wouldn't) use. Because of this, my sisters (as well as Robinson) claim I'm one of the hardest people to shop for.

Marketplace had a very interesting story on unwanted gifts. Proof that I'm not the only one who doesn't care for random stuff.

This year, we received mostly gift cards, which was nice. It's great being able to pick out my own stuff to clutter my house with. At least then I don't feel guilty about opening a gift and then putting it in the Value Village sack along with all of the other unwanted items I've discovered during my weekly purges. Arthur only got a few toys, which was great because his toy box is bursting.

So...how was our Christmas?

It was nice. It was quiet. We didn't go anywhere, and we didn't have visitors. We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then opened presents (of which very few made it into the Value Village bag). Arthur played with his new car carrier. We worked on our bathroom remodel. Robinson made dinner later that night. A lovely, quiet day.

Blessed be.

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