My son Arthur turned 3 today. He's been pretty excited about his birthday for a long time now. Ever since February he's been telling everyone that his birthday is in April and that he'd be turning 3. We deliberately hyped it up because we knew that there was going to be a new bundle of joy in the house who had the potential to take away a significant amount of attention from Arthur.

Luckily, the majority of the party planning was done before Balin arrived. His friends Alek and Cedar were able to make it to the party. They did a craft, ate lunch, played outside, had cake and lemon curd (Arthur's choice), and opened presents. Then they played some more. It was a very stress-free party.

He had so many gifts from my family we opted to open the rest of them after his nap. There was tissue paper, boxes, and wrapping paper everywhere. A mighty haul for Artoo.

My big boy is 3. Sometimes I still think of him as the little baby I brought home from the birth center, the little boy who used to sign to speak to me, and the little boy who would fall asleep on my lap as I nursed him.

Now, however, I get to think of all the fun things that he's doing now. He's a big boy who takes a swimming class, a big boy who can swing on the big kid swings, and a big boy who can practically cook for himself. He got some ice skates from his friend Alek and his dad will be taking him skating. I wonder whether or not he'll be skating by his next birthday.

Blessed be.

About a month ago, I signed Arthur up for swim lessons with his pal Jade. I wanted him to have something special that he could be proud of doing, since everyone (or a great many people) would be fawning over Balin. I also wanted him to learn some of the basics of swimming.

Tuesday he went to his first class and had the worst separation anxiety I've ever seen. It didn't help that he was in the water with a bunch of kids and a teacher he didn't know. I had a word with the teacher afterward and we agreed that he and I should come back for Family Swim Wednesday and then try again on Thursday. Arthur needed to know that his teacher and I wouldn't be giving up on him.

Family Swim Wednesday went so well. We put on one of the floats and practiced doing some of the activities that I saw his teacher do Tuesday. I hoped that with enough encouragement from me that he'd be more confident in the water on Thursday.

So, today during swim class I stayed downstairs in the lobby. To anyone looking in on the class, I was probably an amusing sight, peeking through the door to the pool, hoping for glimpses of my kid (happily, I hoped) in the water. He did really, really well. He listened to his teacher and he tried to do everything she instructed. He even swam unassisted (though with floats). I was so proud of him that we went to ice cream with Balin and Nana afterward and heaped on the praise.

We'll probably try to go swimming again this weekend to keep practicing. He doesn't have to become an Olympic swimmer someday, but I do want him to be comfortable in the water.

Blessed be.

I can finally wear my wedding ring again! Hooray!

True to form right after the birth, the swelling in my legs went down. It was nice not to feel like a sausage again. The swelling in my hands is still present, especially in my right one which is still a bit stiff, but I can tell it's getting better, too. Here's hoping that in a few more weeks all of the swelling and stiffness will be gone and that I'll be able to type and draw again. Okay, more like change poopy diapers and fix snacks, but a gal can dream...a gal can dream...

Blessed be.

Well, it's going on 3 weeks since I've had Balin and our lives changed again. I had forgotten how much work an infant is. I'm up about every two hours nursing; this time, however, I've been trying to rest as much as I can while Balin is sleeping. It helps that Robinson's been around to assist me and keep Arthur company. I'm lucky that my mom will be coming up this weekend and staying for two weeks. She can entertain Arthur while I sleep or hold Balin while I play with Arthur. Robinson will be starting up work next week (only two days), so he'll still be around.

Life's a bit tougher with this new addition. Arthur demands attention, but he's also pretty good about playing by himself. He's also got his playdate friends to keep him entertained and next week he starts swim lessons.

So far, the house is a bit messier, a bit louder, and we have to get ready at least a half hour sooner if we travel. I've cried a couple of times in frustration, but I feel no where near as lost as I did when I had Arthur. I felt like my whole world had changed and it kept changing. I couldn't find a constant and I felt like my efforts to establish a consistent schedule (for me and Arthur) had failed. It wasn't until I started spending more time with Robinson's friend (and News-Miner co-worker) Amanda that I finally felt like things were looking up. Perhaps it helped that Arthur was also getting older and a little more receptive to a schedule. I don't know. But whatever it was, it was a godsend to have that support.

And now I find that I have overwhelming support. The moms in the playgroup have been simply wonderful spoiling not only myself, but also Arthur. My own mom will be glad to hold the baby or play with Arthur. Even Robinson's at home more this time around. I feel a bit guilty being the center of attention, especially when I didn't do nearly as much for my friends when they had their second as I feel they are doing for me.

Is that the real distinction between having the first and second? Is it because I'm not reluctant to ask for help, or even at times to demand it? I'm certainly more confident and competent in my parenting, which helps, but there's something more.

I don't feel like everything that I'm doing results in frustration, tears, and eventually failure.

If this is the new normal, I think I'm doing pretty okay.

Blessed be.

It's amazing how kids can develop a personality so quickly outside the womb. I'm sure there are many mothers who will insist that their babies had personalities inside the womb, too. I don't doubt that. Arthur and Balin were both very different occupants; for example, Arthur was pretty mellow and Balin liked to kick (especially before bedtime). Indicative of their personalities? Perhaps.

If there's one thing to be said about Balin (provided he keeps that red hair) he'll probably be a little mischief maker like myself and my grandmother. Of course, that's assuming that there's something inherent in having red hair that makes a person mischievous.

Isn't there?

Okay, I'll admit. There are no real thoughts going on in this blog. It's just an excuse to post cute baby pictures.

Blessed be.

Today Arthur asked Robinson if he could hold Balin.

As I snapped a few pictures all I could think of was, "What a sweet older brother."

Blessed be.