My son Arthur turned 3 today. He's been pretty excited about his birthday for a long time now. Ever since February he's been telling everyone that his birthday is in April and that he'd be turning 3. We deliberately hyped it up because we knew that there was going to be a new bundle of joy in the house who had the potential to take away a significant amount of attention from Arthur.

Luckily, the majority of the party planning was done before Balin arrived. His friends Alek and Cedar were able to make it to the party. They did a craft, ate lunch, played outside, had cake and lemon curd (Arthur's choice), and opened presents. Then they played some more. It was a very stress-free party.

He had so many gifts from my family we opted to open the rest of them after his nap. There was tissue paper, boxes, and wrapping paper everywhere. A mighty haul for Artoo.

My big boy is 3. Sometimes I still think of him as the little baby I brought home from the birth center, the little boy who used to sign to speak to me, and the little boy who would fall asleep on my lap as I nursed him.

Now, however, I get to think of all the fun things that he's doing now. He's a big boy who takes a swimming class, a big boy who can swing on the big kid swings, and a big boy who can practically cook for himself. He got some ice skates from his friend Alek and his dad will be taking him skating. I wonder whether or not he'll be skating by his next birthday.

Blessed be.

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