Arthur refuses to let me take his picture anymore. In fact, if I take out the camera, he'll tell me to take a picture of Balin.

Balin, in contrast, is completely fine with being photographed. He is, after all, a baby, and really could care less about that black clicking machine in his face (other than the occasional snatch and grab). He has such a wonderful smile that whenever he's in a good mood, I bring out the camera. I have to because it would be a crime against the gods of photography not to record this sweet smile.

The past week Balin has been fussier than usual because he's had teeth coming in. His tooth nubs are officially here after what seemed like forever. I was a little terrified that it would never end. He's even back on his schedule, for the most part.

Now he's chewing on everything. His favorite things to chew on are cups, food, and spoons. His open mouth is constantly accompanied by a string of drool. My nephew would be disgusted.

I wonder if the next two teeth will be as bad. I'll find out in another few months when we do this all over again!

Blessed be.

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