It's really started to snow here. Although the snow has yet to reach winter wonderland heights, it's quite a beautiful change to see our surroundings switch from the browns of autumn to the white of winter. Speaking of which, I wonder how our friend Albert is doing?

What do you think Arthur's favorite winter activity is? Sledding? Nope. Making snow angels? Nah. Building snowmen? No. Watching snow plows and graders drive down our street? Well, he does like doing that, but it's not his favorite thing...

He loves shoveling snow. Every time it snows, no matter how little, he wants to go outside and shovel the porch. I hope this lasts well into his teenage years, though, sadly, I doubt it. We bought him a little red shovel last year. It's been well-loved. He even uses it during the summer to scoop up rocks and dirt.

As for Balin, he's content to watch Arthur ride around on his trike and scoop up snow. He's always watching Arthur very intently. It's sweet.

Blessed be.

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