Early this year I decided to have a craft table at Ryan Middle School's spring craft fair/garage sale.

It went horribly, horribly wrong.

It's polite to say that it was more rummage sale than craft fair (Robinson would have just said it was all crap).

For a few days I moped around before I decided that I would try again, but this time during one of the holiday bazaars around Thanksgiving or Christmas. On a whim in early September I went to the UAF Women's Association page and found that the deadline for renting a table was...September 8th??? Less than a week away!

I gathered everything I'd need to get my table and sent it off. About two weeks later, I received a letter saying I was ready to go.

For the next two months, I sewed like a mad woman. I made octopus. I made starfish. I finished up a few carriers. Robinson even got a Square and set up my account so that I could take credit cards.


It was great!

I met a lot of nice people and sold a lot of merchandise. After all was said and done, I made about $300.

I've also found a few other cool ideas online...

So does this mean I'll be doing it again?

Yes, I think it does!

Blessed be. 

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