To my boys:

I honestly cannot imagine my life without you.

You've turned me from a self-centered, arrogant, and all-knowing person into a (mostly) humble, patient, and content human being.

I'm still not perfect. There are times when I have a temper or I'm irritated with you, but you still beg for hugs and kisses no matter how much I think I've messed up.

I know sometimes it seems as though I'm ignoring you or that I don't care about what you're doing. Nothing could be further from the truth. I do care. I care that you've built a system of pipes in the bathroom or that you've cooked up a sand cake for me. I care that you tell me about the gossip on the bus or that you scrape your knee.

There's not much in this world that I believe from the bottom of my heart that I'm great at.

But I'm great at being your mom.

And, if you'll let me, I'm more than happy to be your mom for as long as I can.

I love you both.

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