Although Tuesday is the official date of the Equinox, our little family celebrated a little early this year. It was the first Fall Equinox that Robinson and I have celebrated in a long while (maybe ever?), and Arthur's first "official" Fall Equinox. Although it was a bit stressful trying to keep Baby Boy from slipping and accidentally falling in the fire (as well as managing the general chaos of cooking outdoors with a baby), it was pretty fun.

Arthur loved everything about the fire (which is no surprise - this kid loved watching the grill light up when we cooked outdoors this summer). I think his favorite part was fetching wood and then throwing it on the fire. He wouldn't even stick around to watch the piece of wood catch fire - he'd rush back to the wood pile to grab another log!

Dinner consisted of camp fare: hot dogs, chips, and S'mores. Arthur really got into cooking his hot dog, but only because he'd stick the skewer into the fire and laugh whenever the hot dog caught fire. Due to their high flammability, marshmallows were an instant favorite. He didn't want to let the skewer go, so the hot dog he was cooking was pretty darn disgusting by the time he had to go in for bed. It was eaten by Johnny's dogs a while later (and I do believe they were pretty grateful to Arthur for that little treat).

I was asked why the Equinox was important to me. The only answer I was really able to give was that it was the movement of the seasons, balance between summer and winter, and a reminder of the duality of Nature. It's the welcoming of change and the necessity to accept it.

Blessed be.

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