This year, Thanksgiving was simply marvelous. I spent most of Wednesday getting the house cleaned and making most of the food for the next day. Arthur, as usual, was a big help cleaning, cooking, eating, and then un-cleaning. I think Arthur was pretty fascinated by the turkey as he helped Robinson and I put it together. He certainly liked dropping the veggies in the cavity and I think he would have been more than happy to sprinkle even more salt and pepper inside and outside the bird.

Would you believe that I have never, ever had to cook a turkey? Robinson and I have certainly eaten turkey on Thanksgivings past, but a friend had always made one as his contribution to the Thanksgiving potluck. He wouldn't be coming this year (he disowned us last year - a long story I won't bore you with) , so I was responsible for the centerpiece of the meal. No pressure, right?

I went online and looked up some tips on how to cook a turkey. Defrost in refrigerator? Check. Allow at least 4 hours cooking time for a 15-lb. turkey? Check. Stuff with onions, celery, and carrots for extra flavor? Check. Entire bottle of wine for basting sauce? Check. Baste often? Check.

The surprising thing wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Basting the turkey every half hour was a bit of a pain, but totally worth it. The turkey turned out super moist and simply delicious.

Dinner was relaxed. We had four friends (and a dog) over. Arthur loved the sparkling apple cider and looked around for unguarded glasses to sip from. We stuffed ourselves full and ate dessert while playing Killer Bunnies. Everything really was perfect.

I am thankful to have such a loving family. I am thankful to have such wonderful friends. I am thankful to have a caring family. I am thankful I am blessed with good health and a happy disposition. I am also thankful that I really do have everything I could ever want or need.

Blessed be.

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