Robinson and I have been married for seven years, which, in this day and age, a fairly long time. We are in an inter-faith relationship; I'm Wiccan, he's a Latter-Day Saint. (At this point you may be saying, "How the hell did that happen?!" That doesn't matter at the moment, and perhaps I'll explain it someday). I feel we've done an excellent job of incorporating both of our faiths in our home without preaching to each other and I have no doubt that we'll be able to raise our son to be a kind, moral person even if he doesn't feel the need to have a specific religion.

That being said, I feel the problem is not with us. It's the way we're viewed by the people at his church.

It's very frustrating to be constantly labeled a "bad"/"ignorant" person just because I do not believe the same thing they do...and I take it ten steps further by not even being a Christian!

I guess this blog came about because Robinson is part of his ward's Elder's Quorum and they are supposed to have meetings every Wednesday. For a while, the leader was busy with work, so his wife would call and tell him the meeting was canceled. Then...nothing. No calls.

I suppose it didn't help that Robinson hadn't gone to church in a while, but he discovered upon attending this last Sunday that the Elder's Quorum had been meeting quite regularly for the last few months...they just didn't bother to tell him.

They assumed that I had a problem with him attending.

I have to remind myself that not all members are like this; our very first Home Teacher in Fairbanks got to know us quite well and later commented that we had a better relationship than many of the Mormon families he knew. Because he had taken the time to visit us often, he got to know us. He could speak from experience.

These people can't.

They may claim that they teach us regularly, but we're lucky if our current Home Teachers come by once every six months. (And it isn't as though we ignore their calls. They just don't call.) It's not a big deal to me whether or not they actually come over to teach us - remember, I don't believe.

But, for Goddess sake, DO NOT assume that I am not supportive of my husband. DO NOT assume that the fact he doesn't go to church or attend your meetings is because I don't want him to. DO NOT blame me for your inability to keep your flock together. And finally, DO NOT judge me for being different. If there's one thing I really dislike, it's a hypocrite.

Blessed be.

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