Arthur's been interested in his potty for a while now. When I first got it, he loved to take out the bucket and play with it. He'd put his toys in it or ask me to fill it with water. One day after he pooped in his diaper we stuck his poo-poo in his potty to show him what it was ACTUALLY for. He was not pleased and cried.

Now he's beginning to understand what exactly the potty is used for, especially after today because he PEE-PEED IN HIS POTTY!!!

He woke up from his nap and refused to let me change his diaper. I thought maybe he was still a bit groggy and needed a few more minutes to wake up. I gave him a snack and once he finished attempted to change his diaper again. He complained quite loudly and then it clicked: maybe...

"Do you want to use your potty, Arthur?"

He nodded.

We grabbed some of his book and went into the bathroom. I took off his diaper and he sat down on his potty. We read "Blueberries for Sal" and "Kitty Up" a few times. And then I heard a tinkle.

Arthur looked a bit surprised, too. When he finished peeing, he jumped off the seat and pointed at his penis. I made a big fuss to show him I was proud of him for using his potty.

Then I called Robinson (who was also thrilled and nicknamed Arthur "The Urinator"), my mom, and (at Robinson's urging), his mom.

So, we'll keep working at it. I'd love to have him potty-trained (more or less) by the time he's two...but, we'll see. All things happen in their own time, right?

Blessed be.

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