Another benefit of the holidays (although some might consider it more of an obligation and others a real pain in the ass) is the Christmas party. It's a great chance to be social and a good chance to fill up on delectables you should eat only once a year.

This weekend, I had the privilege and honor to attend three holiday parties. The first was a cookie exchange, which was the very first one I had ever gone to. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but all of the cookies were fabulous and it was so nice to hang out with the girls for a while. I even brought home enough cookies to give to Marcy and Andrew. They had promised to babysit Arthur so that Robinson and I could go out on a date to the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (or IAC for short) holiday party. I'm on the Board of Directors.

I knew that the Executive Director had joked about bringing her karaoke machine, but I didn't realize that she was actually planning on doing it! Most people, myself included, were pretty happy just letting the 2 or 3 people who were confident in their singing abilities to croon. Eventually, though, she insisted that other people get up and I acquiesced. I sang, "I Will Survive" (embarrassing Robinson while I was at it) and got quite the applause (maybe because everyone had gone deaf?). Okay, so I know I'm not that bad, but I really don't carry a tune very well. I let my charisma and natural showmanship get me out of that predicament. I'm not saying that I'll ever do it again, but it was a magnificent rush.

Then on Sunday, Arthur and I went to a party for his little friend Rudi. She was turning two. Her mom had a private party at Bonkers (gosh, I love that place! And to think I didn't know about it until this year!). Brandi had baked a huge cake in the shape of a "2". When someone asked her what the frosting was made out of she said, "Crisco and confectioner's sugar." I nearly gagged. I suppose I shouldn't have been so disgusted. I grew up in rural Alaska where everything is baked, fried, or mixed with Crisco. I guess it has something to do with living in civilization for so long.

It was nice to spend so much time with the people I care about. It's a wonderful feeling to see Arthur growing up around people who care about us, too.

Blessed be.

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