One of the stops while in Seattle was a pumpkin patch. Arthur was going to pick the pumpkin out all by himself and then he, Robinson, and Oldpa were going to carve it into a jack o' lantern.

Unfortunately, most of the roads into the pumpkin patch were not paved, let alone smooth gravel, so Oldma had to stay behind while we looked around for a pumpkin. Arthur wanted to take the first pumpkin he saw (which ended up being a tad rotten), so we had to steer him around a bit (with him choosing a couple of others) before we found one that would be perfect. We took it back to Oldma and got her approval.

Someone at the patch was selling roasted sweet corn, which Arthur saw when we entered the patch and begged for. We bought two ears, one being the biggest ear that we had ever seen. Even the corn seller commented that it was the largest ear he had sold this fall. Arthur devoured most of his and Robinson's ear of corn, then had some from mine and Oldma's. I don't think he was quite satisfied, because he looked as though he could have a whole other ear by himself.

It was a great trip to the pumpkin patch! Even the weather cooperated, which is quite a feat during Washington autumns!

Blessed be.

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