Arthur loves trains. Everything about them. He could probably name at least 10 different parts (without help) and another 10 (with help). When I found out the Spooky Train was going to be running in October to celebrate Halloween, that got Arthur pretty excited.

We met up with his friends, got some tickets, and then waited in line. And waited. And waited. We stood in line for at least an hour. Apparently, the railroad volunteers had decided to use the 100-year-old train instead of the newer one...which is fine, except for the fact that the older train is. as. slow. as. molasses. When the train was leaking so much water that it couldn't make it around the track without refueling, the volunteers got out the newer train, a move they probably should have done to begin with, considering the length of the line, the impatience gauge of the average parent, and the average attention span of a child.

At the end of the ride, everyone got cookies and cider or hot chocolate, which was a nice treat. All in all, the kids had fun. I'd like to do it again next year, since Arthur had so much fun (while actually on the train), but if they don't have the newer train out to begin with, I don't think I'd be willing to stand in another line. The 100-year-old train is pretty cool, but it's just not able to handle a ride which should only take 7 minutes.

I hope any door-to-door trick or treating lines will be short!

Blessed be.

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