It's interesting to see the differences in pregnancy the second time around. I suppose when you only have one child, it's easy to just assume that everything about the second will be the same...or, at the very least, similar. You have nothing else to base your experiences on except for the first time around.

I'm 37 weeks along since yesterday. People seem surprised to hear that. Toward the end of my first pregnancy I felt like a hideous beached whale. I was so big, I couldn't tie my own shoes. I've felt a lot smaller throughout the second pregnancy, though it probably didn't help that I lost a little weight during the first trimester because I felt so sick. Maybe because I'm a stay at home mom now I'm more active. I walk for about an hour at least once a week and I'm in constant motion chasing a 3 year old. I'm up to (and slightly past) my first pregnancy weight and I do expect to gain more (they say you do with the second one), but I'm not sure if this is all baby weight or if it's water retention. Wouldn't it be great if it was both?

I'm still up every two hours, but this time it's not because I have to pee. This time it's because my arms, legs, and hands are so swollen that I can't get to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, unbearably uncomfortable, and hoping that when I get up in the morning I don't look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man. The swelling happened last time, too, but it was not as bad. On some busy days, I can't stay on my feet that night. What would also be great is if all of the swelling went down in a couple of days after the birth, like last time.

Despite the blog complaining this morning, I'm finding that this pregnancy has more or less been a breeze. I've had some people tell me that it's because of Arthur. Since I'm distracted by his needs, I'm not paying attention to the second pregnancy. That's certainly part of it.

I'm more relaxed about the entire affair, especially the birth. Arthur was 13 days past his due date, which was so stressful. I went through the Birth Center last time (and am again this time) and Alaska State Law says that after 42 weeks, it's mandatory induction at the hospital. Luckily, he came just under the wire. What I thought was a curse is now actually a blessing. The only way this baby could be any later is by being 14 days late. I kind of chuckle about how frustrated I was then and how easy-going I am now. Well, relatively speaking.

Then again, what was actually a blessing could now be a curse. In retrospect, I had a relatively "easy" birth, without medication or intervention. This time will more than likely be different and I often wonder how.

Finally, there's Arthur. If the pregnancy was hard for him (after all, he can't sit on my lap anymore), then Baby X will rock his world. I'm hoping that he'll continue to be a good helper and that I'll remember to spend alone time with him. I'm hoping that I can be conscience of how he's feeling and remind him how much we love him.

It's a grand thing that his Nana is coming up to help for a while. She'll be more than willing to lavish attention on Arthur and then whenever Robinson is home for the day, he can take Arthur out every once in a while and Nana can lavish attention on the baby. And then I can sleep.

Speaking of which...I should get back in bed. I'm finally tired again.

Blessed be.

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