I helped a friend of mine clean her kitchen cabinets. She was getting ready to move to Texas and needed to get her house ready for renters. She had a few Mr. Clean Magic Erasers out so I started scrubbing everything in sight.

Talk about magic! The erasers did an incredible job - so much so that on Sunday I invested in a 10 pack with the intention of cleaning out my kitchen cabinets (purging as well as scrubbing). The tops were caked in grease and hair which had been there since we moved in. About a year ago, I tried to clean off the cabinets without much success, so I gave up. Then again, I used a degreaser made from vinegar and water (works on most things, apparently not on this).

Monday morning I started the task.

Wednesday night, I finished.

The insides and outsides had been scrubbed and were now a sparkling white. The tops of the cabinets were no longer greasy. I thought I'd only use about four, maybe five, erasers in all - turns out, I used 8 1/2 (eww). You can kind of tell in the picture on the left; the left cabinet is clean, the right is dirty.

The kitchen is clean - for now. I think I'll start cleaning out the cabinets every spring. The whole room certainly looks nicer with a little attention and I found plenty of stuff hiding in the cabinets that I didn't even need anymore.

After this little escapade, my ankles swelled up pretty bad. The swelling didn't go down for about two days (and at this point in the pregnancy, it's hard enough to get around with just a belly). Even with that little annoyance, it was well worth it.

Break out that broom, mop, and dustpan! Spring's on its way!

Blessed be.

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