I've been trying harder to celebrate more Wiccan holidays as traditionally as Yule. I want to actually have annual events and activities on these days that the family can look forward to. I've already missed Imbolc (due to Oldma's funeral) and Spring Equinox (as usual, I'm blaming it on Baby X). In fact, the only thing I really did to celebrate the Equinox this year was write a short Facebook post. Not really what I had in mind.

On the other hand, I have been nesting which means I have been doing a lot of spring cleaning. So maybe I shouldn't feel so bad that I didn't celebrate the Equinox. Maybe I should consider it a month-long event. Therefore, I have been so good about celebrating the Equinox that I didn't need to do anything else.

Hm. Even I don't really buy that.

Winter is fading. I see it more and more now that the weather is so nice. The snow has almost completely melted off the roof and the deck is almost clear. Even though it's been a relatively mild winter, it's a bit of a relief that it's nearly over. I'm itching to start digging in the garden again and excited to start planting. I'm ready to chop and haul wood and take Arthur to the park. I'm ready to bike to town on nice days and take long walks with Robinson. I'm ready to see the birds arrive at Creamer's field and go outdoors without wearing a coat. It's times like these I miss Washington's more temperate climate.

In other news, we went to the Open North American Dog Races this weekend. Arthur loves dogs and anything dog-related. He was thrilled to just stand on the sidewalk and watch dog team after dog team run by. In fact, he was a little sad that it was over. I think he could have stood there all day.

Clean your house, bake some bread. Celebrate spring!

Blessed be.

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