Yesterday morning, Robinson looked out the window and said the one thing we dread all summer long:

"Looks like a moose went through the garden."

And boy, did it ever. It ate all of the cabbage, cauliflower, and kohlrabi. The kohlrabi was the saddest for us because it's such a wonderful summertime treat.

I suppose now we'll be designing some moose-proof garden boxes over the winter and putting them together next summer. We really have been tempting fate (well, tempting the moose) by leaving our boxes unguarded.

After the moose ate most of the garden, I thought about how we humans put all sorts of arbitrary boundaries on things. We kill animals that cross certain lines - lines that they can't even see or begin to understand. It's that way with the garden, too. The moose assumed that it was there for the picking, that like the trees and flowers that it eats already, that it was just another thing Mother Nature had provided it. That moose didn't know that those vegetables were spoken for or that it wasn't "allowed" to eat them. When I put it in perspective, I could digest what had happened a little easier.

We're not going to replace the vegetables that we lost. I planted some spinach today and I replanted Arthur's beans. I don't know if we'll actually be able to harvest beans or spinach, but we'll see.

Keep your garden moose-free!

Blessed be.

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