Last night as Robinson and I snuggled into bed, he told me that he hoped Arthur would sleep in tomorrow. This boy rarely sleeps in, so I told him that it would be highly unlikely; however, I was pretty certain that I could convince Arthur to let Robinson telling him that we were going to pick strawberries.

Sure enough, the next morning, Arthur woke up around 6:30. When I told him that we were going out to pick strawberries, he got excited and didn't put up a fuss when I got his socks and shoes on. We went up the hill, found a nice clump of berries and began picking.

I think he thought that berry picking was going to be easier than it actually was because he kept asking me to help him. I think he had trouble holding his bowl and grabbing onto one of the berry plants at the same time.

It was a good thing we went picking when we did...a few of the strawberries were starting to get mushy. Even though, we were able to pick a fair amount. We'll be using them in a rhubarb and strawberry topping that we'll enjoy tomorrow along with some shortcake and ice cream. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

I hope you are enjoying the berry season - looks like it might be a good one this year!

Blessed be.

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