Arthur's friend Cedar went to the emergency room Friday. It seems that he had a horrible allergic reaction to a mosquito bite. He's just fine now, but it was scary for his mom and a bit scary for all of us, I think.

The mosquitoes seem to be exceptionally bad in Fairbanks this year. I'm not sure what it is, but they are out in force and have amassed a rather large army intent on carrying our little ones away. Arthur has so many bug bites on his arms and face, he looks as though he's got the chicken pox. The other babies in Arthur's playgroup sport similar looks.

Needless to say, we started talking about bug spray and whether or not anyone had found something that we could use on the babies. Cedar's mom had some stuff from Mexico, but the rest of us hadn't found anything we liked. I had checked out some of the bug sprays at Fred Meyer's, but all of those seemed a little too much for my baby (and I'm not about to put anything with DEET on him).

I went to Sunshine Health Foods and happened to come across some California Baby Bug Repellent Spray. For $16.99. My jaw nearly dropped when I saw the price, but, as I read the ingredients, I began to understand why. All-natural. Organic ingredients. Pure oils. Baby safe. Supposedly repels ticks, flies, fleas, and mosquitoes.

What the heck? I though. Why not?

I asked the cashier if she had tried it and she said that she had and loved it. I felt like she was being honest with me and not just pulling my leg in the hopes of making a sale.

So, this morning, when Arthur and I went out to play, I sprayed the repellent all over him but not on me. The mosquitoes avoided him (but went after me). So, it really did the trick (and smelled great, too!)!

Now, to be fair, there was a breeze this morning, so the repellent may not be as effective as I think, but I'm going on a walk with Baby Boy today and will test the limits of this spray. To be even more fair, the spray works by scent, so you do have to keep reapplying it. Once your baby doesn't smell like the product anymore, watch out for the big cloud of mosquitoes that will swoop down and carry him away. I found, however, that the spray works for about 45 minutes to an hour before you have to reapply, so, not too bad, considering it doesn't have any chemicals in it. (Not that DEET products work that well anyway.)

For the time being, I'm glad to have found something that keeps Arthur from getting more mosquito bites. I'm planning on letting the other moms know about it when we meet up tomorrow, so they can try it for themselves.

Blessed be.

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