Thursday night, Robinson asked me, "If you could do anything this weekend - pie in the sky - what would you do?"

I thought about it for quite a while before I said I'd go hot air ballooning.

I chose hot air ballooning because a) I've never been, but always wanted to, and b) I thought it would make for a pretty exciting weekend. (Exciting weekends for me usually mean I get some project finished or Arthur does something incredible.)

As it turns out, I had an exciting weekend without a hot air balloon: Robinson took Friday and Monday off, so he stayed home for four whole days! It rained on Friday, which was great because the garden's water tank needed to be filled and the weather was so nice the rest of the weekend. We grilled yesterday and will be grilling again today. I felt very blessed to have him home to help out with Arthur (even though I feel pretty confident of my parenting abilities at the present) and to get some of our outdoor projects done (now that I think about it...did we even do any outdoor projects?).

Okay, so it seems we didn't do much in the way of projects, but we were able to spend lots of time together as a family. We went on walks everyday. We cooked together. We ate together. Speaking of eating together, Arthur has started trying to eat his food with a fork. It's pretty cute to watch him get all excited about stabbing a piece of food and then holding it up for the world to see. We didn't have any baby forks, so we had to go out and buy some (Fred Meyer normally has a great selection, but not in this case; however, the forks we selected do work for the time being). They didn't have any metal ones without safety knobs, just plastic. (Since when do forks need safety knobs, anyway?) Arthur is very excited about his accomplishment and feels very "grown up" to be eating like his Mommy and Daddy.

We also spent much of the weekend playing together. We went out to Pioneer Park twice, once to play in the gravel and the second to feed the ducks. Arthur got a huge kick out of feeding the birds. He would shriek with excitement every time the ducks or seagulls came near. He didn't quite understand the concept of throwing the bread to the ducks and often ate the pieces of bread I handed to him. We also saw a beaver on the bank, but it was too far to get a good picture of it. It's wonderful to be able to live in Nature.

Now that I think about it, we actually did get some of the yard work finished. Arthur helped Robinson mow the lawn. I think he would have continued pushing the mower if Robinson would have let him, but instead Arthur "supervised" from Robinson's back.

What made this weekend really special, though, is that Arthur has taken his first steps all by himself. He hasn't quite realized that he can probably walk by himself if he really tried, so he still wants help from a piece of nearby furniture or his Mom or Dad. We contacted his Grandma and his Oldma and they were both very pleased that he was starting to walk. I am still so amazed by the things my little boy is starting to accomplish.

Blessed be.

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