My mom, bless her heart, was overweight for most of my life. She had three kids in rapid succession, so it's no wonder that she wasn't able to lose the extra weight in between kids. Now that I have a child of my own, I understand what my mom went through. Not that she ever complained about her weight, but I could tell that she was not pleased with it.

I hang out with some pretty normal-looking women. At least I did. All of them have since lost their baby weight and I feel a little self-conscious being with them. Mind you, I am not huge. I am, however, pretty short and any extra weight really shows. I guess that right now I am probably at least 10 pounds over my ideal weight. Because of this, I decided that I should probably become a bit more serious about what I am eating and take more time out of the day to exercise.

I developed three new rules:

1) Walk at least a mile everyday
2) No eating after 8pm (a nightly green tea or water is okay)
3) No sweets/desserts until after dinner

So far, things have been going pretty well, so well that I thought I could add a fourth rule to the mix:

4) Start biking (doesn't matter how far or where, just as long as I do)

My main goal is not to lose a bunch of weight by crash dieting or restricting my diet. That is unhealthy and ultimately sets one up for failure. What I hope to gain by this is some self-control (which I lack greatly) and some healthier habits. I am trying to maintain a South Beach-esque diet because it worked wonders for me pre-pregnancy (I went from 142 to 127 lbs, a size 8/10 to a size 6), but I'm not strictly following it. I am trying to eat more vegetables and protein, while limiting my carb intake.

I won't lie. It's hard. I bake a lot and love dessert (chocolate is my vice), but I also love myself and my body. I figure by being picky about what I eat, I will eventually become a much healthier person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

I pray that those out there who seek to lose some weight start out slow. Develop a few rules and go from there. Make them become your new habits. Add a few more rules when you're comfortable. Simple. Don't worry about calories at first, but do get out there and exercise. Exercise is a great way for your body and mind to relax.

Blessed be.

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