My friend Mona and I had scheduled some time Saturday to hit the Ft. Wainwright garage sales and the "Everything's Free" event over at the UAF Patty Center. Mona's mom and her friend had just come in that week from New Mexico, and they planned to come with us. I packed up a car load of old stuff (and I am not exaggerating here, it truely was a car load) and dropped it off in the Patty Center parking lot first thing Saturday morning and then headed over to Mona's house.

I'd forgotten how interesting elderly women are.

The four of us browsed the tables at the UAF event, and before we knew it, we had a car load of stuff and needed to go back to Mona's house to drop it off. (It's fortunate she lives so close to the University!) While at her house, Mona loaded up her old computer and a bread maker and we went back to UAF. I was absoletely amazed at the items that people donated. I picked up some big Legos and a complete set of Lincoln Logs (mostly for Robinson than for Arthur). I also found some glass beads in the right colors to finish a mosaic table for the patio that I've been planning. I also found some really nice sweaters.

I think, however, my crowning find was the Pepsi-Cola Lady. Mona's mom and her friend both commented that they had seen an elderly lady bring it ("that was the only thing in her car") and that they were surprised she'd get rid of something so valuable. As I brought it to the car, several other people commented on it. Even Robinson (who hates everything used I bring home) said that it was pretty cool. It is a rather beautiful piece of old art, and will look lovely in my kitchen.

The whole day consisted of us laughing, joking, and talking. It was nice spending time with a group of women and discussing everything from great garage sale finds to birthing children. I thought about my own grandmothers most of the day. My paternal grandmother is the only grandparent I have left and I try to call her once a week to see how she's doing. Sometimes she'll tell me interesting family stories. I often wish that I was able to go visit her more often, but tickets from Fairbanks, Alaska to Wisconsin are not cheap.

I wondered also about my own generation - what will we be like when we are grandparents? I couldn't really come up with a good answer, at least not yet. But, someday.

Blessed be.

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