I read an article yesterday which I've spent most of today processing. The US population, apparently, is declining and the tone was very much doom and gloom. 

Millennials aren't having kids! They need to have kids! WHY ARE THEY NOT HAVING KIDS???

Please. Calm the fuck down. 

First of all, good. The population should be going down. There's way too many of us as it is and it is tearing the planet (and our society) apart. Why are people having more kids when so many parents can't take care of the kids they already have? It's irresponsible. If you aren't going to take care of your kids, then don't have them. For the love of all things holy, JUST DON'T. 

Secondly, why would anyone want to spend $250,000 on raising a child when they have (college) debt and work a minimum wage job? You can barely take care of you. Why add to the misery?

Third, there is an expectation from everyone around you to have kids, but I'm giving you permission to not have kids, okay? No one says you have to do things exactly like your parents or grandparents. If you enjoy your freedom, have your freedom. Travel. Live your life the way you want to, not the way someone says you should. Guess what? They'll deal. 

And finally, I've had lots of people tell me I need to have more kids because I'm such an amazing parent. I always tell them if I had more than two kids I'd go crazy. Then I laugh and they laugh and because we're laughing, it's just silly nonsense. Honestly, deep down, I know I cannot handle more than two kids. I would lose my shit constantly. In fact, someday, when my kids are wrestling with how many kids they want (or don't want) to have, I'll tell them the truth. That decision is yours. Not an economist's. Not the cashier at the grocery store. Not mine. 

It's up to you to do what's right for you. Kids don't ever have to play a role in that decision.

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