Me: Quick question: Are you the only one in your house who takes the extra step to put things where they belong, or do your girls and Joe do it, too?

Becky: When I am doing dishes I feel no one wants to help load or empty. I do try my best to put things away. 


This is the woman's burden in a nutshell. 

I'll be the first to shout on the rooftops that my husband and boys actually do a lot around the house. The boys clean their own bathroom. My husband does the dishes almost every night (he even cooks on occasion!). They vacuum and make their own beds. So, really, I have nothing to complain about. 

It's just hard to feel content when there's still so much undone. Sure, the dishes get done and put away, but the mixer attachments still sit on the counter until I put them where they belong. The floor's never swept, the counters rarely wiped down. There's still work to do even after the work's done. 

This is not to say I'm not grateful. I am, truly I am. I like having the help. But when there's more work to do, it's no longer help. I still need to take the extra step to finish the job because I know no one else will. It's exhausting.

Which leads me to wonder: what if I allow my perfectionist tendencies to override my gratitude? What if I half-assed it? What if I left jobs unfinished? And what if I was okay with it? 

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