I have chosen this weekend to be my "garage sale weekend." My husband absolutely loathe garage sales, so I am taking the morning off and flitting around town to find some good deals. (Depending on Baby Boy's nap schedule, he might be coming with me. He's been awfully fickle about his morning nap lately.) The military base, Ft. Wainwright, is having a huge garage sale and there are a few other places off of Airport Way I'll be checking out. There's also a benefit garage sale for one of the preschools in town at the Fairgrounds, so I'll also be making my way over there.

I actually started my garage sale-ing a little early. Yesterday, I bought a little cassette/CD player for Arthur's room, but the thing started making funny noises soon after we brought it home. So, I'm going to attempt to bring it back and either get a refund or find $7 worth of stuff that I can carry home under Arthur's stroller. I hope they just take it back.

I'm looking for some fun summer stuff for Baby Boy. High on the list are: summer shorts and tees, a sandbox or other big yard toys (I would love someday to get him a swing...he loves swings), some smaller sand toys that we can take to the park, and maybe a potty chair. I know it's a bit early to be thinking about that, but potty training will be here soon enough, so I might as well be prepared.

One of my other mom friends asked me to find a "baby fence" that she could use outside. Her son likes to run around the yard...and then out of the yard! She doesn't want to spend the $80 to buy one (and I can't blame her - it seems outrageous to spend that much on metal bars and nylon), so she's hoping I'll be able to find one. Her son's birthday party is coming up and I've been a very bad quilter lately (what do you expect? It's been so nice out!), so I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the quilt I was making for him. Maybe I should stop playing so many computer games at night and get to work!

Ah, the sound of summer: haggling over other people's junk!

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