I hope everyone out there had a good Memorial Day. Things around here were pretty busy.

My father, nephew, sister, and her boyfriend came to visit. This was after my other sister and her daughter spent part of the week with us. Needless to day, I welcome today as a very quiet, stay-at-home kind of day.

We officially got things planted in the garden boxes. After some garage sale-ing with my dad and nephew, I hit the Hospice plant sale over on Turner. I got two irises to plant in my in-the-works-flower-garden which will hopefully be finished this summer. I don't like the thought of letting yard projects sit too long, even though they certainly have a way of piling up. At the beginning of the summer, I always think, "I have all summer to finish this!" and by the end of the summer, maybe (if I'm lucky) one project will be completed.

But that's the way of things, right? There are always more projects to finish, there's always something to be done...Summers in Alaska are especially busy. Homes are going up. Gardens are planted and then harvested. People bike, hike, and walk. Garage sales are everywhere. Yard projects are (hopefully!) finished. I am trying to make more of an effort this year to actually finish the things I start. (That's a challenge for me - I always seem to have more than enough projects.)

So...I will plan to work on my mosaic patio table first and try to finish it by next weekend (Sunday, June 7th). I'll be in town tomorrow and can grab the mastic and grout from Home Depot and the glass beads that I'll be using at Jo-Ann's or Michael's (or, if I'm lucky I'll be able to find some at a garage sale!). Then comes the patio chairs...but I should really concentrate on the table first.

That's my problem...I've always been and always will be a dreamer.

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