I'm not sure how I got on this subject, but something today reminded me of this. I went to my husband's church many, many months ago and during a Relief Society* talk someone mentioned how they couldn't wait to get to Heavenly Father because this world was so evil.

I reeled in my seat, What??? Did I hear that right?

Apparently, I did because many of the other "Sisters"** nodded in agreement.

I sat there dumbfounded, almost wishing I had found my voice so that I could say, "What evil world?"

Okay, don't get me wrong. There are a lot of bad things in this world. People lie, cheat, drink, beat their loved ones, kill each other. But there are a lot of good things, too. There have to be. If life is about achieving balance, then we have to be committed to take the good with the bad.

What is so bad about:

* smelling the earth after a rain?
* planting a garden and feeding your family with it?
* listening to the wind rustle in the trees?

I don't know. Maybe I've been a Wiccan for so long that I just don't get the doom and gloom of Christianity anymore. I wonder if there are any other Wiccans/Pagans who feel the same way.

* My husband is a Latter-Day Saint (aka Mormon). During the last hour of church, the men and women attend separate classes. The men go to Priesthood and the women to Relief Society.

** Members of the LDS church call each other "brothers" and "sisters", even if they are not literally siblings.

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