
I laughed to myself as Baby Boy rang the bells his Oldma had given him. He had picked them up before we left the house and as long as I didn't have to carry them, I was alright with him carrying them.

As we walked up the street to the scenic overview, I told him about some of the things we saw as we walked. We saw dogs barking. He pointed excitedly as trucks and cars zoomed past us. We also saw some of our neighbors getting some fence-building materials out of their truck, and I smiled. Summers in Alaska are so short, so all nice days become super productive. Houses go up in a two-month span. We'll be making some new garden boxes this weekend (hopefully) and getting some of those pesky yard chores completed. Some of this summer will also be spent replacing our mudroom roof.

Jingle-jingle-jingle. Plunk!

The sudden break from the bell jingle disrupts my concentration. I pick the bells up and hand them back to Baby Boy as something catches my eye.

It's the perfect pine cone. It's small (just like all the skinny trees in Fairbanks) and fits in my hand perfectly. It fluffs out quite nicely and is a lovely shade of brown. I smile, holding it in my hand as I continue walking.


About 3/4 of the way home, I take a better look at the pine cone. It's not at all perfect, and in fact, I believed that all of the cones were complete; however, there is one that has a crack down the center.

Hmmm. So it isn't perfect after all.

Does that matter?

Well, no. It doesn't.

As I thought about it, this pine cone is kind of like...well...life and everything in life. This pine cone represents your kids, marriage, neighbor, friends, yourself - you may wish them to be perfect, or to have the perfect relationship with them, but that's just not possible. What is possible is to accept what you have and to try and make the most of it.

That's my two cents for the day. Granted, not very original, but genuine.

Upon approaching a river deep -
Said I, "Flowing streams I wish to pass
through your eddies strong and wild!"

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