In light of the certification riot, it's no surprise that so many Conservatives are sensitive about what's going on right now. I liken it to being in a college classroom. You didn't read the materials for today, so whenever possible, you avoid eye contact with the teacher in the hopes they won't call on you. It's no different here: If I don't post on social media, then no one can call me out. (Quick! Scroll past the hundreds of pro-Trump posts they posted from January through the election. Ignore them. They aren't important.) 

I am reminded of the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." For those of you who felt duped, horrified, and/or frightened by Trump and decided to vote (against party lines) for Biden, then I offer you a solid high-five. You recognized the necessity of getting that man out of office. For those of you who either solidly stood behind Trump or did not want to vote for the Democratic candidate, then you are an asshole. There is no other way to spin it. 

Politics is not about drawing a line in the sand and forcing people to choose a side. Politics is choosing a candidate who will represent your values. (A frightening thought, given the state of our last election - 70 million people chose a man who incites violence and hate at any given opportunity over a man who chose messages of unification.) 70 million people chose this disgusting display because they wanted red, not blue. That's what it's become in America.

I have a message for you: it's not about the color of your party. It's about stopping hate and injustice when it starts. You had a chance to think outside the box and yet you didn't. 

It might surprise you to learn I have voted Republican before. Yes, once. Just one time. And here's the deal: it's not the end of the world. In fact, your candidate might surprise you by speaking out, by supporting bills that are not in line with their party's values because it is the right thing to do

This was the Democratic Party's problem in 2016. They didn't want to throw their support behind Bernie. They should have. In all probability, he would have been elected instead of Trump. As an Independent, he might have been able to get more done with support from both parties. I know I would have voted for him. Maybe those 70 million who voted for Trump this time around would have, too. 

Anyway, I apologize, dear readers. This is not supposed to be a political blog. I don't know enough about politics to have anything worthwhile to say about the subject but I've blathered on and on about this because the hypocrisy makes me mad. Conservatives can't be upset about what happened at the Capitol and excuse Trump's behavior in the same breath. 

And they say Liberals are sensitive.  

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